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Opening the Game | Not Working | Mac

Make sure you save the file! Don't just open with. It won't download properly.

It should look like this in the folder where you downloaded it. Double click to open it up.

This is what it looks like inside of the folder.

Drag the file directly onto your desktop, you can change where it's hiding later.

The application with the icons (The rings or knives if you're playing BTD) will be what launches your game!

"Help! My Game isn't working!"

Be sure to download the game version for your operating system! [ Windows/Linux or Mac ]

Once you've downloaded the game, you'll have a .zip file. To open a zipped folder, double-click on it.

Windows Help:

If you're using a Windows computer, you may need software to open a .zip file [ however, most Windows operating systems have this built in ]. If you don't have WinZip, here are some other options.

WinZip Alternatives

If you're using ANY antivirus, you may have to disable it to play the game. Most Anti-viruses have an issue with the Renpy engine.

If you are missing your EXE, It's from a failed extraction. You can re-extract from the folder BUT, you might get this error.

If you happen to get this error, click the check box for "Do this for all current items" then press skip. This should give you the EXE.

Mac Help

If you're using a Mac computer, simply double-click your .zip file to open the game folder.

Click the game .app to play!

if you're using a newer version of the Mac operating system [ like Sierra ] it may give you trouble when you're opening the game.

If this is the error you're getting, youĂ­ll need to tell your Mac that the game is okay.

The short way around this is to right click the .app file [ or ctrl+click ] then choose "open" at the top of the list. This will show you the same error- but now with the option to just open it and play.